As a childhood friend of Maggie's, I had the pleasure of coming to know Annette. Alhough I haven't actually seen Annette for some years, my memories of her bustling about the kitchen as she prepared us a huge feast each time I came to visit is still so fresh and vivid. She couldn't do enough for me and Maggie those weekends. You would never meet another mum who went more out of her way to look after you. Annette always gave so much care and attention to us and she was genuinely interested in me, always asking lots of questions and wanting to know what was going on in my life. We three, spent hours sat around the kitchen table, exchanging stories, where Annette was always so quick to laugh her distinctive husky laugh (usually followed by a bout of coughing!). She was so much fun, always had something squirreled away in the back of the cupboard for us, with eyes full of mischief. Over the years we would catch up on the phone and the first thing she'd ask me was 'What colour is your hair now?' - a nod to the many colourful styles Maggie and I donned in our teens. I'm so sad that she's been taken from us so early and I'm so sorry for John, Maggie and Charles. I feel very fortunate to have had the pleasure of knowing her in life and will never forget her warm and kind spirit.